FKIP – Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) Education Study Circle (LSP) Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Kebumen Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta successfully held Training on Family Medicinal Plant Product Processing ( TOGA) in the form of rosella flowers made into tea, syrup and jam. This activity was carried out on Saturday (30/9/2023) at the Jatimalang Village Hall, Klirong District, Kebumen Regency.
This activity was attended by conservation groups consisting of the Women’s Farmers Group (KWT), Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK), and Karang Taruna. This training on processing toga products in the form of rosella flowers is a concrete step for the PPK Ormawa LSP PGSD Kebumen implementation team in empowering the community in Jatimalang Village.
With the potential of family medicinal plants and soil fertility support, Jatimalang Village can easily plant various types. Moreover, in the last few years, the commodity of rosella has boomed in the Jatimalang Village Community. However, it is a shame that the abundant harvest is not in line with the marketing of the raw materials for rosella flowers. Therefore, the Ormawa LSP PGSD Kebumen PPK Team initiated training on processed family medicinal plant products in the form of rosella flowers.
Making this product is relatively easy and efficient. It only requires raw materials such as rosella flowers from toga conservation land, sugar, gelatin, and sufficient water. Of the three products made, rosella jam is what residents like most. The taste of the jam is similar to strawberry jam with a slightly sour texture and flavor, making rosella jam very suitable to be combined with white bread.
The follow-up to the training activities on processing family medicinal plant products in the form of rosella flowers, including lab tests to obtain permission from BPOM, direct marketing using a portable shop called “Jamu Cafe”, and mass production.
To the FKIP UNS Journalist Team, Meiriski, as the Jatimalang Village Toga Conservation Group, revealed that this training could increase the economic value of rosella flowers.
“With training in processing rosella flower products, the economic value of rosella flowers in Jatimalang Village can be increased,” said Meiriski.
Reporter: Rosantika Utami
Editor: Budi Suseno